Personal Care
Your personal help plan is designed to meet your specific daily challenges, lifestyle goals, and other personal requirements – with the ultimate aim of helping you maintain an independent lifestyle in your senior years. This means you and your relatives will have a direct say in the personal care you recieve.
It all begins with an initial care assessment conducted by one of our client care managers, and clinical staff. They will meet with you and your relatives at a convenient time to find out more about your lifestyle, daily habits, health conditions, specific concerns, and challenges you have around completing daily tasks, as well as the things you’re looking for in a caregiver. Once we get to know you a bit better, we will take all this information into careful consideration, before designing a help plan that meets your needs.
While each client is different, generally speaking personal care includes supporting you with the following activities:
Daily household tasks
- Help getting out of bed in the morning
- Help with showering, toilet visits and personal grooming
- Help getting dressed and ready for appointments
- Assistance preparing meals and cooking
- General household laundry and cleaning
- General household mobility
General health and wellbeing
- Help taking and keeping track of medications
- Help managing specific health conditions, such as alzheimer’s, dementia, diabetes, and physical disability
- Help with continence issues
- Assistance attending medical appointments
- Assistance operating special mobility and medical equipment
Companionship and emotional support
- Providing general company around the house
- Providing a listening ear
- Coffee, dinner, and other social events
- Reading and playing board games