Participant Service Charter
Download a copy of Paricipant Service Charter by clicking on the link below, this is also avaliable in easy read format.
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PB_ER_Participant_Service_Charter_PDF.pdf (4.89 MB Mon Dec 13 10:58:51 2021)
Sentinel Community Services respects and fully commits to upholding the rights of all people, including those with disabilities.
Sentinel Community Services’ Participant Service Charter sets out participants’ rights. It also sets out participants’ responsibilities and the responsibilities of Sentinel Community Services in ensuring the rights of all participants and staff are upheld.
In supporting participants’ rights, Sentinel Community Services complies with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, NDIS Act 2013 (Cth) and NDIS Practice Standards (2020).
Your Rights
As an individual using our support services, you have many rights that you should be aware of. We recognise your rights and are here to support and assist you in exercising these rights and in achieving your goals. Sentinel Community Services adopts a policy of non-discrimination regarding eligibility and entry to services, and in the provision of our support services to individuals.
You have the right to:
- Have access and supports that promote, uphold, and respect your legal and human rights.
- Exercise informed choice and control.
- Freedom of expression, self-determination, and decision-making.
- Access supports that respect your culture, diversity, values, and beliefs.
- A service that respects your right to privacy and dignity.
- Be supported to make informed choices which will maximise independence.
- Access supports free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, or discrimination.
- Receive supports which are overseen by strong operational management.
- Access services which are safeguarded by supportive Carers, well-managed risk, and incident management system.
- Receive services from workers who are competent, qualified and have expertise in providing person-centred supports.
- Consent to the sharing of information between providers during the transition.
- Opt-out of giving information as required by NDIS.
Your Responsibilities
As an individual using our support services, there are a few things that we ask of you. The information below explains the responsibilities you have when using our services. We ask that you:
- Respect the rights of staff, ensuring their workplace is safe and healthy and free from harassment.
- Abide by the terms of your agreement with us.
- Understand that your needs may change, and with this, your services may need to change to meet your needs.
- Accept responsibility for your actions and choices even though some decisions may involve risk.
- Tell us if you have problems with either our staff or services that you are receiving.
- Give us enough information to develop, deliver and review your Support Plan.
- Care for your own health and wellbeing as much as you are able.
- Provide us with information that will help us better meet your needs.
- Provide us with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice when you will not be home for your service.
- Be aware that our staff are only authorised to perform the agreed number of hours and tasks outlined in your service agreement.
- Participate in safety assessments of your home.
- Ensure pets are controlled during service provision.
- Provide a smoke-free working environment.
- Pay the agreed amount for the services provided.
- Tell us in writing (where able) and give us notice before the day you intend to stop receiving services from us.
- To inform staff if you wish to opt-out when asked.